Saturday, 15 September 2012

What 'A World Away' is about

You may be wondering what my blog is about. Well, I am going to ask and answer questions that no one knows the answer to and that gets people's heads in a muddle. I will have a question of the week and I'll leave space for you to write your opinions. As you can see, I have a poll in the top right hand corner. If you want, you can vote on what you would like me to do, in this case it is either ask you impossible questions (and then you can answer them with your own opinion) or for me to answer your impossible questions (you can ask me questions and I will answer them with my opinion). At the end of the poll I will see which one has been voted the best and I will do that! There will be a few of these polls so keep your eye out! Thank you so much for following my blog and please spread the word!

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent idea and I look forward to your musings upon the impossible!
